I wanted to post an update today about why there haven't been any posts on this blog since May of last year!! I began the blog in May 2010 and on May 31, my brother (in another state) had a four-wheeler accident resulting in traumatic brain injury. Our entire last Summer was spent on his recovery and by the Grace of God, he is recovering one day at a time!! Praising God for that!! He almost died several times and is still in a critical stage as a seizure could set him back in a big way. He has blindness in one eye and partial loss of vision in the other.
As a result of the tragedy my family has faced over the last year, I've begun to read a book called IF GOD, WHY EVIL? by Dr. Normal L. Geisler. It is a thought-provoking read and one which I will post a review for soon on this blog! Please check back for that soon. And, please be in prayer for how God would use this blog to help other families. He is moving in my heart to bring focus to the Biblical role of parenting. So, more on that issue soon as well!
Have a Jesus-Filled week!!