Sunday, October 15, 2017


     I just finished reading Horse Creek Trading Post, a Christian fiction novel by Jim Burnett.  It is a chronicling of the family line of one Gus Reese, a legendary pony-express rider, horseman, cattleman, and evangelist. The story begins in Wales, weaves through Tennessee, and lands in Wyoming.  Five generations are mentioned; but, the story focuses on the two prior to Gus’s before telling Gus’s story itself.  It is an ideal read for any age. It is full of travel & adventure, romance, and bravado.

     It is unlike any other Christian novel I’ve read to date in that it reads like a novel; but, it could be read as a devotional since each chapter is full of stories shadowing scripture.  The author specifically mentions Biblical characters and their stories, and scripture passages are referenced throughout. The author skillfully demonstrates God’s involvement in the lives of the Reese family as they remain faithful to His calling in their lives.

     I am not a fan of western novels, per se; but, I did enjoy learning about many aspects of the frontier lifestyle portrayed in the book. There are many facts and details surrounding naval voyages, trail rides, different horse varieties and their roles in the frontier life, driving cattle trains, the civil war, the pony express, the role of various Native American tribes and their relationship to the white man in the frontier days, and law & justice in that same setting.

     Overall, this is a novel I would recommend to any age. At a little over 220 pages, I would think it would be especially a good book report novel for junior high or high school students as it is so full of history. Anyone who enjoys stories about the west, horses, cattle driving, the civil war, or reconciliation and redemption, would love this novel. Another important point about this novel is that this book is a prequel! There are TWO previous, I can pick up the next two books and finish the Reese storyline! This would be a great gift idea for any age or gender. I whole-heartedly recommend it. 

Saturday, December 10, 2011


I finished the book this morning and seriously haven't rid my mind of it all day. I wish a tv series would be developed from it!! I've not read many historical romances; but of those I've read, this one is my favorite so far.
The book is based around my favorite Bible verse, Ephesians 2:10. "We are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works which He prepared in advance for us to do." The idea of being the center of God's creative masterpiece is mind-boggling; yet, the author gives a WONDERFUL example in this story. The story's main character is an artist who paints forgeries...much like we do without Christ. The symbolism and depth of this book can't be put into words in this review.
The main character in this book, Claire Laurent, is on the run from an old life filled with lies. She desperately wants a new start and is willing to work hard to keep it. She applies for a personal liason assistant to the owner of the Belmont Estate in Nashville, TN during the years after the Civil War.
As the novel progresses, she finally wraps her mind and heart around the fact that God is the master artist/sculpter/potter and she's His creation. The book demonstrates how God speaks in a still small voice and through His word. And, that He works all for the good of those who love Him.
The love interest of Claire's is Sutton Monroe, an attorney who also works at Belmont. He is a man of very high integrity who is battling the memory of the death of his father and the loss of the family property which he feels partially responsible for causing during the Civil War. Sutton is determined to provide for himself and not take hand-outs. He has his own battles which the author very wonderfully developed throughout the book. I loved his honesty and his wittiness in flirting with Claire. The two make a beautiful picture of God's love.
This is a great read and was also a longer read (at 428 pages) than what I've reviewed in the past. Each chapter is short and would be great for those short on time who need to pick a spot here and there to read a novel. I read several chapters a night for 3-4 nights, though I didn't want to put it down!
As far as teens or pre-teens reading it, I think it is fine. There is a little more suggestive sexual content than in other historical Christian romance novels I've reviewed, though still not too bad for a pre-teen or teen.
Overall, if I could give it 10 stars, I would! Get this book! You won't regret it!
I received a free copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for my review.

Friday, November 18, 2011

HOUSE OF SECRETS book review

I just finished a new book entitled HOUSE OF SECRETS by Tracie Peterson. I loved this book! It is about a family of three daughters struggling with the devastating effects of mental illness, schizophrenia, on their family. It is a story of God's redeeming love for this family and His healing power to transform lives many years after tragedy. The story is being told by the oldest daughter whose life seems to have been the most impacted by the illness of her mother. The daughter, Bailee Cooper, is reclusive, afraid of relationships and being hurt by those who might discover the baggage of her past. Though she has suppressed many of the events in her young life, they still seem to effect her. It's not until the father invites the three daughters to their summer home on the west coast the girls begin to put the puzzle pieces of the past together to enable healing. God's overwhelming Grace shines through this book.

Spiritually, there are many examples of how God supernaturally speaks through His Word, through people, through events. There is a developing love relationship between Bailee and her boss, Mark Delahunt (a Christian). The book speaks of how the church incorrectly handled the mental illness and the effect on the family. The most resounding spiritual impact is the overwhelming Grace Bailee receives, as the Lord draws her into the fold.

I feel the author gives much respect to the issue of mental illness and schizophrenia specifically. She is sympathetic to all the victims in its path. I particularly like how the author addresses the positive and negative impact it has on and from the church. The book caused me, as a member of the church, to reflect about what my own reaction to these victims and their families would be.

Overall, it was a very inspirational read which brought me to tears and caused me to give thanks for the Grace of God in my own life. I do highly recommend the book to all readers. What family doesn't have some form of dysfunction? It reminded me that God is still on the throne and able and ready to meet the needs of those who will call on His name!

I feel it is a safe read for early teens also. Topics in this book include, along with mental illness, isolation, murder, suicide, depression, cutting, sexual promiscuity (though only mentioned as having occurred, not explicit), abortion, foster care, and others.

I received a copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for my unbiased review.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

An ORDINARY Happy Thanksgiving

It is amazing to me how God will turn the ordinary into the miraculous when you're looking for Him at work. The Bible is clear He is at work. As a matter of fact, Paul prayed specifically that the Lord would bring wisdom and revelation to a group of people. In Ephesians 1, Paul told the people of Ephesus..."I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe."   Now the work I'm referring may not always be pleasing to receive--I mean God is Holy after all. Sometimes the work is to chisel away a portion of your life which is not pleasing in His sight. It seems more often than not, that's the case with me. Sometimes, however, I get to experience my Lord in such a fresh and unexpected way IN THE ORDINARY--when He just reaches down from Heaven and makes His presence known just to tell me He loves me!  

Does your family have any special traditions for Thanksgiving? Let me say from the very beginning I believe our culture is inundated with well-meaning traditions which take away from the presence of God; BUT, I had a precious sister-in-Christ suggest a wonderful Thanksgiving tradition to me several years back that has since become one of my very favorite things to do this time of year. It's called a Thanksgiving Tree. I am certain our tradition makes my Lord smile because He receives the glory He is due.

There are various ways to add one to your decor. In our home, it is a focal point during Thanksgiving & into the Christmas season. We get a series of dead branches, anchor them with rocks in a cleaned up soup can, hang hand-made leaves from them and wait for Thanksgiving to arrive. The whole process of preparing our tree is an opportunity for the girls and me to talk of our Creator and His magnificent creation. It involves a hike outside to find the perfect limb, each year rendering its own masterpiece. Our conversation inevitably leads to the seasons of life of trees, man and all living things. Its an opportunity to talk about life and death physically and spiritually. Then, there's the gathering of our leaves. We gather those most freshly fallen so the veining will be more evident as we make our crayon rubbings in red, orange, yellow and brown.

As the girls sit with crayons and scissors in hand, I read a favorite Thanksgiving story book called "Mary's First Thanksgiving" by Kathy-Jo Wargin. It's a simple children's book about a little girl named Mary who doesn't feel thankful. Her father tells her about the hard times the pilgrims had during their first years in the new land. It highlights their dependence on God during trying times and points out how the colonists placed five kernels of corn on their plates to remind them of the hardships they endured. The kernels represented the beauty and bounty of autumn, their love for one another, their love for family, their friendship with the Native Americans, and their freedom to worship God without fear. The book is a poignant reminder of those who have gone before us and of our basic dependence on God Almighty.

On Thanksgiving Day, BEFORE the meal, each member of our family & each friend takes one or two leaves and writes on the back side for what we're thankful to God. Then, we take turns stating OUT LOUD what we wrote before submitting our prayer of thankfulness to our Lord. Yes, some say lighthearted things which add laughter. I remember my dad, reluctantly participated in my new tradition one year. I finished the fixings a 'tad' later than anticipated. (Have I mentioned I'm always late?) So, he was thankful he was getting to eat while it was still Thanksgiving. :) The children are usually the sweetest. They're thankful for their pets or for having everyone together or for dessert. They remind me of how we're to come to Jesus because the Kingdom of Heaven belongs 'to such as these' (Matthew 19:14).

My most memorable year for what I, personally, was thankful was Thanksgiving 2010. As I sat across the table from our family's miracle that year, I couldn't help but have tears stream down my face as I read my reason to be thankful. The meal took back seat to the walking talking miracle who sat among us. My brother, the traumatic brain injury patient, who had suffered strokes/seizure(s) & was mostly blind, was sitting and eating dinner with me. Our Lord had seen fit to save him at least three times for ME to hug and to love for another Thanksgiving. (Have I mentioned how much my Lord loves me?)

Remembering the Holy Spirit's presence in that ICU waiting room and His love through such wonderful friends who lifted us in prayer offering support in ways you can't imagine...In that instance of offering my gratitude to my Heavenly Father--for His Love most of all, His presence fell on our family and overwhelmed us as we remembered the reason for our miracle, the reason for our abundance, the reason for our love Him and to seek His glory...on earth as it is in Heaven. Where HE IS, healing takes place. Where HE IS, lives change. Where HE IS, I am made new! So, in that ordinary preparation of 'saying Grace' before our meal, my Lord showed up. And, the aroma and sweet flavor His Presence brought was far better than anything I could have prepared.

If you decide to start the Thanksgiving Tree tradition in your family, let me warn you. Not everyone will embrace it with open arms...especially at first. It is my rule that if you eat at my Thanksgiving table, you must offer up gratitude for something. AND, it's not always easy to be honest, to make ourselves vulnerable in front of other humans for what we're really most thankful. Bearing our hearts in a sincere way takes time to master. I find this is especially so with men, but don't be put off by it. Each year brings new and sweeter fruit.... May you experience His Presence in your ORDINARY and Happy Thanksgiving!

Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. Ephesians 3:17-19

Thursday, October 27, 2011

To Have & To Hold

Recently, I have been reading more historical romance fiction novels by Christian authors. The latest book I've read is by Tracie Peterson with Judith Miller entitled To Have and To Hold. I want to tell you why I love it!

The setting for this series is in the south on a set of fictional islands near Georgia. I love the reference to many things southern as I am a southern girl myself. The time period is a generation past the civil war.

The focus throughout the book on faith was wonderful. The authors specifically quoted scriptures (a lot from Proverbs). And, the Bible and prayer was a source of guidance for the characters throughout! I loved how the authors demonstrated that freedom in Christ from bondage such as alcoholism is possible. They also gave several examples of how God speaks to us through that 'still small voice'. So, two thumbs up for that. I also loved the purity of the main character, Audrey. She had never been kissed before Marshall. So, I feel very comfortable allowing my teen to read it.

The plot is engaging also. There's financial dilemma, death, suspense, mild violence, sorrow, joy, humor, love---all rolled into one wonderful read!! I'm sure this series will be a favorite for historical romance readers. I didn't want it to end!

I received a free copy from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for my unbiased review.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

God is Good!!

I wanted to post an update today about why there haven't been any posts on this blog since May of last year!! I began the blog in May 2010 and on May 31, my brother (in another state) had a four-wheeler accident resulting in traumatic brain injury. Our entire last Summer was spent on his recovery and by the Grace of God, he is recovering one day at a time!! Praising God for that!! He almost died several times and is still in a critical stage as a seizure could set him back in a big way. He has blindness in one eye and partial loss of vision in the other.

As a result of the tragedy my family has faced over the last year, I've begun to read a book called IF GOD, WHY EVIL? by Dr. Normal L. Geisler. It is a thought-provoking read and one which I will post a review for soon on this blog! Please check back for that soon. And, please be in prayer for how God would use this blog to help other families. He is moving in my heart to bring focus to the Biblical role of parenting. So, more on that issue soon as well!

Have a Jesus-Filled week!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Rewarding Children

Matthew 25:23...His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'

We serve a God of rewards, thankfully! Rewards of a fruitful and thriving life are the reason for God's commands. The Bible describes spiritual fruit as love, joy, peace, goodness, thankfulness, etc. For example, if children obey their parents, there is joy in their relationship. In the example of the Holy Father, we should reward our children...for doing chores without being told, for memorizing that list of Bible verses, for reading the Bible without being prompted, for being kind to their brother. Just like Jehovah God, rewards show how much we love them.

One reward idea I really love is a trophy. For some reason, our girls LOVE trophies. Trophies are inexpensive, starting at usually $5, and act as a reminder of good things accomplished. Our girls express a great sense of accomplishment when showing them to others. Kids these days receive them for being a good ball player or making that perfect tumble. Why not give them one as a reminder of godly behavior? It serves as a great conversation starter about God's rewards, the fruit of the Spirit. Check out John 15 and Galatians 5. And, you never know what friend of theirs might be impacted when they see it!! Isn't that how spiritual fruit works? It multiplies!